12 Stories with Olivia Huang

In 2017 we launched a project in cooperation with Olivia Huang to create four illustrations for 12 select Bible stories released under the CC0 license. The aim is for each of the below stories to have at least 4 illustrations.

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Paul: Eutychus Falls Asleep in Church - Acts 20:7-12 | 保罗:犹推古在教会中睡着-使徒行传 20:7-12

Deaf and Mute Man Healed - Mark 7:31-37 | 聋哑人得到医治-马可福音 7:31-37

Asleep in the Storm - Mark 4:35-41 | 在风浪中安睡-马可福音 4:35-41

Widow's Son Raised - Luke 7:11-17 | 寡妇的儿子复活-路加福音 7:11-17

Peter’s Denial - Luke 22:54-62 | 彼得不认主-路加福音 22:54-62

Blind Bartimeus - Mark 10:46-52 | 盲人巴底买-马可福音 10:46-52

Moses At the Bitter Waters - Exodus 15:22–27 | 摩西在苦水边-出埃及记 15:22-27

Jesus Ascends to Heaven - Acts 1:4-5, 8-11 | 耶稣升天-使徒行传 1:4-5, 8-11

Tower of Babel - Genesis 11:1-9 | 巴别塔-创世记 11:1-9

The Rich Fool - Luke 12:13-21 | 无知财主-路加福音 12:13-21

Zaccheus’ Story - Luke 19:1-10 | 撒该的故事-路加福音 19:1-10

Transfiguration - Matthew 17:1-9 | 耶稣显荣-马太福音 17:1-9

“Stick to the man who looks out of the window and tries to understand the world. Keep clear of the man who looks in at the window and tries to understand you.”
-Manalive, G.K. Chesterton